Thursday, 16 January 2025

Tallarn model range

These are the Tallarn models shown in the now out-of-print Imperial Guard Collectors' Guide (Games Workshop 2003). There are 2 officers, 2 sargeants, 8 raiders with lasguns, 3 raiders with special weapons, 5 heavy weapon teams of two men and 2 rough riders. Rough rider sargeants can be made by using the standard (Attilian) rough rider chainsword arm rather than the hunting lance.  Two casualties were also marketed but are not included in the Collectors' Guide.

The models were sculpted by the Perry brothers.  As far as I can make out the models were released as follows:
May 1995 - Tallarn squad; Tallarn Autocannon;
June 1995 - Tallarn Lieutenant
March 1996 - Captain Al’rahem; Tallarn Lascannon; Tallarn Missile Launcher
June 1998 - Tallarn Heavy Bolter;  Tallarn Mortar;
July 1998 - Tallarn Rough Riders

The sargeant with the chainsword, the casualties and the heavy bolter gunner were withdrawn in 2007.  The gunner that was originally released with the heavy bolter (the one on the left with the googles and headscarf covering the face) was quietly replaced by the Autocannon gunner (on the right) at some point.

Pictures pinched from ccm wiki who (in my humble opinion) assign them incorrectly.

Monday, 6 January 2025


Current models I have to hand:
Captain Al'Rahem x2 (= Commissar or Cadian Castellan)

Tallarn Officer (Infantary Platoon Commander) x4
Sargeant (plasma pistol) x8
Sargeant (chainsword) x10

Trooper 1 x13
Trooper 2 x 9
Trooper 3 x 18
Trooper 4 x 13
Trooper 5 x 15
Trooper 6 x 7
Trooper 7 x 8
Trooper 8 x 17

Tallarn with Grenade Launcher x12
Tallarn with Meltagun x25
Tallarn with Plasmagun x11

Tallarn Missile Launcher Team x21
Tallarn Auto Cannon Team x10
Tallarn Heavy Bolter Team x9
Tallarn Lascannon Team x3
Tallarn Mortar Team x5

Tallarn Rough Rider x10

Looking at the previously proposed list, I am short of a Mortar Team. I have 3 metal Cadians with vox castors.  I don't have any tanks or sentinels.  

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Blog Aim

Is this the sixth or seventh time I've re-started this blog.  Fifteen years ago I had a blog here where I had set myself the mission to collect and paint an army of Warhammer 40k miniatures. I must admit that the hobby became little more than buying metal miniatures on ebay with very little painting being done.  I'm now selling off models that have little chance of ever being painted.
My first Warhammer love had been the Imperial Guard but I couldn't make a decision about their tanks.  I hated the boxy Leman Russ and the Chimera is only a little better.  I had previously tried making guard tanks based on the Rhino but only managed to make a couple of mangled models, but the release of the Rogan Dorn now gives me a good looking tank.

So, my plan is to concentrate my meagre painting efforts on finishing off what could pass as an Astra Militarum army consisting of my Tallarn models and new tanks and sentinels.  The following seems a reasonable 2000 point army:

-   Commissar (armed with plasma pistol and power weapon) 30pts

3 Platoon Command Squad (officer with bolter; 1 plasma gunner)  3 x 60pts

3 Infantry Squads (2 x Sargent with power weapon and plasma pistol; 16 lasgunners; 2 plasma gunner)  3 x 120pts

2 Infantry Squads (1x Sargent with power weapon and plasma pistol; 8 lasgunners; 1 plasma gunner)  2 x 60pts

2 Heavy Weapon Squads (Mortars) 2 x 60pts

2 Rogan Dorn Tanks  2 x 240pts

6 Scout Sentinels (with autocannons) 6 x 55pts

6 Armoured Sentinels (with lascannons) 6 x 65pts

Total 1990 points

Doesn't a 67 year old man have anything better to do? Probably but the country is going mad following Brexit and the world is coming to an end due to limited resources/global warming/war/banking collapse. I need a diversion.